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Friday, January 1, 2010

How Green Tea Works- 2

Welcome to my How Green Tea Works article.

Recent researches has found How Green Tea Works as a supplementary medicine for many diseases. Which means that you are not supposed to solely depend relief from Green Tea giving up the medicines you have been taking or you will be asked to use. It will only be a booster to overcome some diseases.

Although any age is vulnerable for following diseases, majority experience these diseases usually once they pass the age of 40 years.

1. Cancer
2. Heart diseases
3. Arthritis
4. Diabetes
5. Obesity
6. Bone weakness
7. High Blood Pressure
8. Stress
9. Dental deficiencies
10. Aging and many more
Therefore, drinking green tea from the young age will definitely has the advantage of avoiding risk of these illnesses, without waiting till you fall sick.
The recommended dose is around 4 to 5 cups of a day to get the maximum benefit of green tea. As the popular saying “Too much of anything is bad”, overdosing will not bring any benefit but might cause some other deficiencies.
There are number of reasons highlighted by many regarding How Green Tea Works. The most important component of green tea is Polyphenol, which helps to improve the health in many ways.

How Green Tea Works is reasoned out as follows by many researchers.

1. It reduces the risk of cancers.
2. It lowers the bad (LDL) cholesterol level thus preventing heart diseases and stroke to a greater extent and helps to have more good (HDL) cholesterol.
3. It contains L-theanine, an amino acid, which helps to relaxation and Improve Alpha Brain Wave levels.
4. It contains Polyphenol, an antioxidant, which helps to fight against ageing.
5. It helps to protect the cartilage by blocking the destructive enzymes relieving users from arthritis.
This clearly shows How Green Tea Works to provide us with many health benefits instead of drinking black tea.
How Green Tea Works as a remedy for many ailments has been known to Chinese for thousands of years. Westerners have only recently discovered How Green Tea Works and since then it has become a rapidly increasing Global Drink now which is in high demand.
Consequent to the popular demand some manufacturers have started marketing a substitute for Green Tea in Tablet and Capsule Form which will not give the same result as natural Green Tea although they claim it to be so.
There is hardly any evidence against negative effects of How Green Tea Works except the insomnia caused due to caffeine it carries. However, the level of caffeine of Green Tea is very much lower than Black Tea.
Will post some more information on How Green Tea Works soon.

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